This is a list of most of our previous meetings with links to material when available.

Long vacation 2023

We met on one Thursday per month

21/9/2023 Github pages - we’ll learn how to use github to create and manage a webpage to help organise a small research group (like this one). See

24/8/2023 Bring one (programming) problem - (contributions from all) Come along to this session with a programming problem from your research, be ready to describe it, and you never know, we may be able to find a solution. NB: this will take place in the minerology lab

27/7/2023 What did we learn this year? - Andrew Walker (with contibutions to all). Please come to this meeting ready to say a few words about the most important thing you discovered about computational science over the past year. Ideas about what you want to learn next year are welcome too.

Summer term 2023

We met nearly every week.

21/6/2023 Intermediate Scientific Computing for Environmental Scientists Day 2

20/6/2023 Intermediate Scientific Computing for Environmental Scientists Day 1 Registration/details

15/6/2023 Making reader-friendly figures - Hannah Sanderson (with contributions from everyone).

8/6/2023 Something about supercomputers - Franck Latallerie

1/6/2023 No meeting - Departmental Committee

25/5/2023 Teasers from “What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory - Adrian Mag

18/5/2023 Tutorial/intro to Google Earth Engine for remote-sensing applications - Dr Scott Watson (Leeds)

11/5/2023 Herding cats: building the Climate Aware Task Scheduler in five hours - Andrew Walker

4/5/2023 No meeting - Collaborations Workshop 2023

27/4/2023 Options for data storage - Andrew Walker

Spring term, 2023

We met nearly every week

9/3/2023 15:00, conference room “The LiCSAR processing chain – getting ground deformation quickly from automated InSAR analysis”, Ben Johnson

2/3/2023 15:00, conference room Objects, Rebecca Colquhoun

23/2/2023 No meeting

16/2/2023 15:00, conference room Python multiprocessing, Dan Gittins.

9/2/2023 15:00, conference room Gaussian Processes for Eikonal Tomography w/ an introduction to Dash apps & reveal.js, Jack Muir

2/2/2023 15:00, conference room Access to HPC, Ben Fernando and Andrew Walker

26/1/2023 15:00, conference room ssh tricks and the Departmental network, Andrew Walker

19/1/2023 No meeting

12/1/2023 Essential Scientific Computing for Environmental Scientists day 2

11/1/2023 Essential Scientific Computing for Environmental Scientists day 1

Autumn term, 2022

We met nearly every week with the following meetings:

1/12/2022 “A model to look at dynamo generation on small cooling partially molten asteroids”, Hannah Sanderson

24/11/2022 “What information is useful for new DPhil students and postdocs”, general discussion

10/11/2022 “Git and github (as much as fits into an hour)”, Andrew Walker

3/11/2022 “Q: How do you know where the slow part of your code is? A: Use a profiler”, Andrew Walker

27/10/2022 “The driving rheology of creep events”, Dan Gittins

20/10/2022 Catch up on our summer plans and introductions from new people

Summer vacation, 2022

Over the long summer vacation we aimed to meet about once each month and covered the following.

18/7/2022 Informal meeting, ‘plans for our summer science’, 16:00 in Wager

22/8/2022 Informal meeting, ‘code optimisation’ 15:00 in Conference Room

19/9/2022 cancelled (University closed)

Summer term, 2022

We met each Thursday of term in the Wager room at 15:00 and on zoom and various members of the Department introduced their research.

28/4/2022 Andrew Walker and Jack Muir

5/5/2022 Samar Khatiwala and discuss training ideas

12/5/2022 Jesse Zondervan

19/5/2022 Noam Vogt-Vincent and “my favorite library” part one

26/5/2022 Tom Hudson, plus discussion of code and questions (EGU week)

2/6/2022 No meeting (bank holiday)

9/6/2022 Adina Pusok (NB: In Seminar room 1 due to exams setup.)

16/6/2022 Tamarah King and reflections on the term’s meetings