We’ll meet nearly every week in term time normally at 15:00 in the Conference Room. Meetings are open to all in the Department and will follow the evolving schedule below. The Conference Room in Earth Sciences can be found on O4 (turn right after you go through the doors to the office corridor). If you are willing to lead one of these sessions please let Andrew Walker know.

12/10/2023: Introductions (please come prepared to tell us about yourself, and with ideas about what you could contribute to the meetings this term).

19/10/2023: Andrew will say something about SSH tricks and the network - how to get onto a computer.

26/10/2023: Loïc Lannelongue (Department of Public Health and Primary Care at the University of Cambridge) will tell us about his work to quantify and reduce the impact of computational science on climate.

2/11/2023: Hannah, Dan and others will tell us about their coding horror stories

9/11/2023: Everybody will introduce their favourite tool, module or library NB: in Seminar room 1

16/11/2023: Dan Gittins will tell us something about using the Pandas library for data analysis during his thesis work

23/11/2023: Simon Stephenson will show us how he goes about publishing his research software

30/11/2023: Andrew will say something about github as a tool for releasing software

6-8/12/2023: Essential Scientific Computing for Environmental Scientists 2. The first of six two and three day workshops funded by NERC and delivered alognside NOC and EPCC.