We’ll meet nearly every week in term time normally at 15:00 in the Conference Room. Meetings are open to all in the Department and will follow the evolving schedule below. The Conference Room in Earth Sciences can be found on O4 (turn right after you go through the doors to the office corridor). If you are willing to lead one of these sessions please let Andrew Walker know.

25/4/2024: Decorators in Python - Andrew Walker

2/5/2024: No meeting (CW24)

9/5/2024: Neural Processes - Sam Scivier

16/5/2024: Steps to releasing software - Andrew Walker

23/5/2024: Reflections on teaching programming, inclusive and motivational teaching (slides) - Hannah Sanderson NB: meeting in seminar room 1

30/5/2024: No meeting (Departmental Committee)

6/6/2024: Code review activity - please bring a laptop and code you are willing to discuss in small groups

13/6/2024: We’ll discuss the 1994 paper “Verification, Validation, and Confirmation of Numerical Models in the Earth Sciences” by Oreskes et al. - the meeting will be led by Alex Lipp and Adina Pusok